Grieving the Holy Spirit.

Grieving the Holy Spirit

This is one of those quoted bible verses that I’ve been waiting to become clear for years. For you see, I don’t go to church or read the bible anymore; yet there are still some verses that are so deep, they stick with me. They only become clear when they are lived and only then can be explained in words. Your feelings are the Holy Spirit. How do you know? Easy. When you lie; you intuitively feel bad. When you steal, the same feeling arises. When you tell the truth; joy wells within you. Ignoring your feelings (Ignorance) is Grieving the Holy Spirit. Our feelings are our truth, and ignoring our truth is a certain recipe for Self Destruction. The interesting thing is that from birth we all intuitively know good and bad and then we’re told and programmed with our societal good and bad. This programming separates us from our feelings and without feeling; we’ll always be separated from each other!!! Peace.

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